Co-authored by Adi Raheja

It’s said every crisis brings along an opportunity to create something more meaningful, more relevant and more sustainable.

There are years that ask questions and years that answer- 2020 has been one such year which has brought to us some challenges, some opportunities, some surprises and some realizations.

The year has changed and so have we. The year has changed and so has life, our dealings, the ways of working, the way we do our businesses and the way we look at sustainable existence.

In terms of Indian organizations, some have seen the worst hit and for some it has been a superhit. For some, there has been struggle for survival, some have seen newer heights and have been riding high on profits. For some, everything has changed and for some, it all remains the same.

The year was the same for all, but the takeaways and perspectives have been different.

And one thing that evolves as the universal truth is ‘ Uncertainty’.

Then the question the organizations can ask themselves is—–

  • How is the current system or styles of working prepared for handling the uncertainties of the current and the future times?
  • How is the system equipped to ride through the uncertainties to support the very purpose of its existence?
  • How is the system deriving meaning from the current situation to sustain through the future uncertainties?

As things have started opening up and we all are gearing back to full action, what is lingering on the minds is the list of goals/targets/outcomes that we had listed down for ourselves in the last year, being carried over to this year. While we are focusing too much on the tangibles and the numbers to come back to life and retain our positions in the market, what we may tend to miss out is the element which will help us reach our goals and outcomes. After all, its not the ‘whats’ but the ‘hows’ that determine the effectiveness and sustainability of any outcome.

Let us look at some of the crisis of the past-

The outbreak of some deadly viruses before corona virus had equipped the state of Kerala in the public health care sector and their disaster management team was strengthened to tackle such deadly viruses. The experience of tackling the deadly viruses had prepared it for better handling of corona virus. Apart from well-equipped government hospitals with dedicated medical experts, the state has a wide network of primary health centers which function as the first level of contact with the population. The state is now acquiring a permanent mechanism to diagnose and track viruses and other infections.

Similarly, there has been global lessons around managing disasters from the states like Odisha which has been regularly hit by super cyclones, and Bhuj which was hit by a devastating earthquake. These states went through major crisis (uncertainty) which dwindled their stability but every time there was such a crisis, they emerged stronger and better equipped to fight and survive (sustain), their muscles were built.

The crisis bring our attention to areas which remain unnoticed and untouched but hidden potential for growth and development. It nudges us to look at something which we didn’t consider as a growth opportunity. It is the nature’s way of directing the mankind to a holistic living.

  • What could be the ‘holistic’ form of existence for organizations beyond profitability and financial growth?
  • Are the organizations just willing to REPAIR because it seems to be quick, easy, alluring and profitable or Are they ready to reveal a REBOUND for a meaningful, resilient and holistic existence?

REPAIR is a form of escapism from the fears of uncertainty in the system.

REBOUND is REALISM- living through the uncertainty to build strength and resilience in the system

We tried to consolidate and present to you a holistic approach to Organizational building, which we call REBOUND 2021. The resource consists of various areas which holds the opportunities to consider and work upon in order to reinvent and build a resilient system. All the interventions mentioned in the associated areas are supported by facts and some useful resources to further help you explore and dive deep.

The REBOUND’21 tool, as we call it, is based on the systems thinking integrated framework and highlights the OD way of thinking and approach to the desired interventions based on the following assumptions:

Risks, goals and responses are UNCERTAIN

Surrounding environment is UNPREDICTABLE

Work outcomes and job designs are UNSTABLE

Talent and Resourcefulness are UNREPLACEABLE

People and Ethics are UNCOMPROMISABLE

Hence, the need is to focus effectively on the human element to be able to sustain the uncertainty, unpredictability and instability. Human Intervention doesn’t go down with the advent of Artificial Intelligence but poses a possibility of Human Intelligence Upgradation (wholesome human potential) which is the only differentiator today.

Here is your access to the resource:

Click here to see the tool in a separate window.


Picture of Ellora Rath

Ellora Rath

Ellora looks at Art as an interdisciplinary subject and is passionate about its application in bringing the creative aspect to the mainstream. She designs and facilitates creative exploration through the aesthetic lens. Motivated by lifelong learning, she identifies herself as an artist at heart and finds her expression as a poet and storyteller.

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