
We engage with you to understand, design and deliver creative, holistic interventions to enable well-being, performance and learning, building a conducive environment towards the growth and development of the organization.


Culture Building

As an organization, how are the values integrated and practiced through all the people processes and how do they show up in everyday behaviours and decisions?

At Alive in connection, the culture building interventions are heart of our work. We believe in intentional and consistent nurturing as the only way to build a dynamic, empowering and sustainable culture.

The interventions could be around:

The interventions could be around:


Learning and Performance

As an organization, are we investing in the idea of collective wisdom and tapping into the true potential of our people? Are we intentional in information sharing, reflecting and growing as groups, organizations and communities?

At Alive in Connection, we believe that every individual adds value and contributes to collective learning and in turn learns from the collective experience.


Leadership development

How aware are the leaders of the organization about their own self, about the people they work with and the impact that their choices and actions create on the culture as a whole?

At Alive in connection, we believe leadership is all about possibilities and enablement. Our Leadership interventions follow a holistic and inside out approach to build the leadership capability for personal and organizational  effectiveness.

The interventions could be around:

The interventions could be around:


Self discovery & personal growth

We mostly pay attention to our work, all our doings that are external to us rather than attending to our inner world, as to who we are as individuals. The outer work needs inner work. All our accomplishments, efforts, achievements look fulfilling and gratifying if our inner work is great.

At Alive in connection, in all that we do, we directly/indirectly assist you in your journey of your inner world. By working on your inner world, you get in touch with your greatest asset – The infinite YOU (Y∞U).  Y∞U are the storehouse of resources waiting to be unlocked and accessed


BODH, A creARTshala

While the world’s understanding of art and thereby its limited usage revolves around the beauty/aesthetics of the end product, art can also be a powerful transformative tool — if the focus shifts from the product to the process of creation.

Through this creative initiative by Alive in connection, we co-create and nurture a safe and affirming space that supports learning by focusing on Well being, thereby enabling expression, encouraging exploration, validating experiences and generating inquiries to expand the horizon of perspectives.

The interventions could be around:

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