The meaning and significance of Teacher

Trusting the
Existence of infinite potential through
Appreciation and
Compassionate nurturing to
Harvest the hidden
Eclectic energy and
Resourcefulness within each human being

I wonder, do we look for a ‘Teacher’ always outside of us….can the TEACHER not reside within? Can the search for a TEACHER also end when we choose to travel inside and see the unseen?

Considering the Teacher & Learner as two poles.
One the Giver & the other Receiver
In receiving lies giving
In giving lies receiving
In Teacher lies the learner
In learner lies the Teacher
Teacher is a Learner & Learner is a Teacher!

In the journey of life, we cross people who help us meet the Learner and Teacher within. Cheers to life…the greatest TEACHER of all! With LIFE as my Teacher, I am a life long student
The student within me awakens the Teacher within
With time, together we evolve a little wiser and prudent

Let’s access the TEACHER within by being open to learning!


Picture of Ellora Rath

Ellora Rath

Ellora looks at Art as an interdisciplinary subject and is passionate about its application in bringing the creative aspect to the mainstream. She designs and facilitates creative exploration through the aesthetic lens. Motivated by lifelong learning, she identifies herself as an artist at heart and finds her expression as a poet and storyteller.

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