Understanding and Acknowledging Difficult Emotions

We ran a poll on LinkedIn community, asking people which is the most difficult emotion for them to navigate. We could give only four options on Linkedin, but we understand there can be many more such emotions: The options were Anger, Shame, Guilt and Envy.

It may take months (and sometimes even years) of conscious work to navigate these emotions as many of them are deep rooted. And the first step to this journey of navigating difficult emotions is to understand them. ‘

Through this document we wish to share our understanding of these emotions with the people who took the poll and beyond.

Many polls end without even talking about why the poll was taken in the first place or what next after the poll. We thought of doing something more than just a poll.

Please feel free to download this document and share it with your friends and colleagues.

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Picture of Adi Raheja

Adi Raheja

Adi is an educator and facilitator with creativity as one of his strengths that motivates him to give his best. A wanderer and adventurer at heart, he loves to trek. Mountains call, push and challenge him to be himself. He is fond of kids and loves engaging with them in conversations.

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